IT Development Blog

Call of Duty Ghosts PS4 Bundle

Call of Duty: Ghosts Runs At 1080p In 60 FPS  February 4, 2015 – 03:13 pm

Call of Duty: Ghosts Runs At 1080p In 60 FPSInfinity Ward's executive producer, Mark Rubin, has revealed that Ghosts main priority is to run at 60 FPS on all platforms. The console versions of Ghosts are still in severe development, but both the previous gen consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) are already able to run the game at 60 FPS; The team at Infinity Ward were also able to get the game to run natively on a 4K TV.

It was also revealed by Rubin that the next-gen AI is progressing slower than some of the graphics, but a lot "cool" improvements have been made on the AI. This slow progress is due to the fact that Infinity Ward doesn't have the final hardware yet. The current AI is already able to react to situations in different ways; the AI reacts to the dog, but also to cues and the level environment.

Future Xbox One and PS4 owners are also in for a treat this fall: Call of Duty: Ghosts will be a launch title on both next-gen consoles. GameStop is already offering Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Ghosts bundles: The Xbox One bundle comes with the console and COD: Ghosts for $560, while the PS4 version is $100 cheaper at $460.


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