Xbox One Call of Duty
One recent trend in gaming has been remasters. Everyone seems to be doing them. But not Activision, at least not yet. In a new interview with Game Informer, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg outlined his opinion on remasters, and teased that the company has thought about it for Call of Duty.
"If done well, I think [remasters] can be great, " Hirshberg said. "You talk about nostalgia, and people have such connection to the games they love from the last cycle. They want to see what it would look like if someone did it right for this cycle."
Hirshberg went on to say that the decision ultimately comes down to assessing the "opportunity cost." That is, Activision wouldn't want to work on such projects if it jeopardized the development of new games.
"We need every body we can get to make the content we're already committed to for our new games, " he said. "It's always a matter of finding great people to do that work. I would love to play Modern Warfare 1 or the original Black Ops [or new consoles]. There's certainly a deep well there. No announcements, but it's something we talk about and think about a lot."
Head to Game Informer to read the full interview.
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