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Grand Theft Auto 5 PS3-to-PS4

Grand Theft Auto V: The 2 best reasons to upgrade to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One version (update)  March 22, 2025 – 02:51 am

GTA in first-person.Updated at 2:50 p.m. with info on the Allow Independent Camera Modes option. We apologize for the original oversight.

Grand Theft Auto V’s Los Santos is bursting with variety, but most gamers are probably burned out on it after spending hours in the virtual city last year (read our review). Well, after some time with the updated version, we found two reasons for upgrading.

GTA V is out tomorrow on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and it is the same game you played last year but slightly prettier. The story is the same, the characters are the same, and the city is the same. But developer Rockstar added one major feature that enables you to experience the game in a whole new way. On top of that, both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have built-in capabilities that could potentially help you get more from the experience.

Let’s go over both.

First-person mode is amazing

For the first time in the series, Rockstar has enabled a first-person mode in Grand Theft Auto V. You can walk around and observe the world from the eyes of the three heroes. When you get in a car, you sit in the seat and look out the windshield from a cockpit view. It works, and it changed the way I interacted with the world that the developer built.

First-person probably makes the biggest difference when it comes to combat. I like the shooting in GTA V. In first-person, cover is sticky, and it’s easy to target enemies — on top of that you can aim down the sights of your weapon. Firefights feel a lot more dangerous when you can look around and see all of the cops swarming you and hear your cohorts yelling and screaming just out of the range of your peripheral vision.

Image Credit: Rockstar Games

That sense of immersion extends to every aspect of GTA V.

Hell, the color of the world even changes if you put sunglasses on your character. You can punch the hats off of pedestrians. Rockstar put as much attention to detail into its first-person view as it did into the rest of GTA, and it shows.

First-person doesn’t always work, like when you play the tennis minigame. You don’t even have the option to go into first-person. And the first-person isn’t always the best choice — like when driving. Thankfully, the “Allow Independent Camera Modes” in the display options lets you set the camera to first-person when on foot or to third-person when in the car (or vice versa) if you want.


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  • avatar What is in Grand Theft Auto 5?
    • in gta v you can choose your character from given 3 characters and you can alter it while playing too.
      the greatest variation in vehicles,pedestrians....
      the biggest map in entire gta history...
      detailed underwater world where you can explore hidden treasures ,trophy etc.
      the character selection will be just like the car selection in Driver San Francisco...
      it will be the biggest open world game and you can do almost everything you do in real life....
      location is based on the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches....

  • avatar If I get Grand Theft Auto 5 on the ps3, could I get it for the ps4 for free or trade it in? | Yahoo Answers
    • Game makers have no intention so far to release that game on PS4 and Xbox One format and most likely that game won't come out on next gen console for incoming year or two may be they might decide to release it on PC however that is also not surety that they will release it on PC or not. So there is no chance for trade. GTA V is outstanding game on PS3 and go get it. That game will surely be going to be one of the leading contender for game of the year this season. Graphics are great, gameplay is more realistic and outstanding open world which has not been experienced so far.
      Here are l…

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