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Need for Speed game PS4

Ghost Games: Need for Speed Runs at 30fps on PS4, Has No Micro-Transactions or Paid DLC Plans  January 21, 2025 – 01:42 am

needforspeed2015image1In an updated FAQ for Need for Speed, developer Ghost Games answered a ton of important questions about their upcoming racer, including the fact that the game’s open world in Ventura Bay has “approximately twice the amount of drivable roads than NFS Rivals.”

Taking place between dusk and dawn, Need for Speed will have all its cars available to purchase from the beginning, you just need to earn the money to afford them. Also, to help create a bond with your car, you only have a five car garage, with Ghost saying, “If you fill all your spaces, you can chose to sell and purchase a new car, or continue to max out your current ride through the extensive performance upgrades available to you so you can take on anyone on the streets.”

Requiring an internet connection at all times, Need for Speed will allow you to playin solo mode, exploring Ventura Bay alongside AI drivers. While PlayStation Plus/Xbox Live Gold isn’t required for single player, you will need it to access the multiplayer features.

Ghost Games explained why you always need to be online:

You will need a persistent internet connection, as Need for Speed is committed to being a live service so we can deliver an ongoing experience that is constantly changing and evolving. We will include free content updates and challenges as an ever-present ways for you to earn rewards and continually explore the game.

Addressing frame-rate, Need for Speed runs at 30fps on consoles as it will “ensure that your gameplay experience remains incredibly smooth and allows you to experience the high speed, adrenaline-fueled gameplay that you’ve come to expect from the Need for Speed series.”


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  • avatar Where is diamond heights for the game need 4 speed carbon for ps2
    • In Need for Speed Carbon (PS2), there is no Diamond Hts. only Diamond Hills, it is found in Silverton.

  • avatar Whats the best need 4 speed game 4 ps3? | Yahoo Answers
    • Need for Speed: Carbon or underground 2

  • avatar Which game is better: Need For Speed: Rivals VS DriveClub (PS4) ? | Yahoo Answers
    • For me, one driving game at a time is enough. Try DriveClub and see if you like it. If you like it and feel the need to upgrade to the full version, then do so, but wait until you have played the "free" version first.
      If you don't like it, then consider buying Need for Speed. You have enough other games to keep you occupied [when the PS4 is released], so you don't need to make the decision now.

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