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Videos of PS4

What Video Editing Software Do YouTuber's Use? « best-video  August 28, 2023 – 05:59 am

CyberlinkThe honest answer is YouTube video creators are using a wide range of video editing software programs. They range from the free to the paid; the basic to the more advanced commercial types; so you would get a wide response if you were to take a survey.

Personally, I use Corel Video Studio to make my videos. And it’s not for any specific reason that I use Corel. It’s simply because it’s the one I had in the drawer when I decided it was time to start creating videos to promote my websites.

I didn’t create any of that fancy, bells and whistles type of videos. I kept it basic and now that I think about it, I probably would have been fine with a free basic program like Windows Movie Maker. I’m guessing the problem would come when I wanted to take it to the next level and unleash the Spielberg in me.

I don’t have anything against free video editing programs by the way. Thousands of YouTuber’s use them to create good videos. I’d use one too. But, if you are serious about creating professional videos with stunning effects and clips, then I’d say invest in a high-end product like CyberLink Power Director.

And prices have come down recently too. For a decent video editing software program that includes at least 100 transitions, 40 tracks, 100 effects, you should spend about £59.99. That price will ensure you get an easy-to-use, powerful video editing program that provides professional-level results.

If on the other hand you decide to take the free route…here’s what you should expect to get:

· A program that will give you the ability to drag and drop a few clips onto the program

· The ability to work with many file formats, though not all of them

· Some transitions and special effects to help you make decent home videos

· Upload to YouTube, Flickr, facebook and others from within the software

· Trimming clips and applying a few basic options

· And a few other simple tricks

So you see, free video editors are not bad after all. It all depends on what your goals are.

For your YouTube video production projects, I recommend the following video editors:

CyberLink Power Director

CyberLink Power Director has been rated as the best video editing software. That’s not surprising considering all the features and tools packed in this program.


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