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Articles in Xbox One Console

Xbox One console specs
[December 22, 2024 – 01:29 am]
Xbox One console specs

Share This article It’s been over a year and a half since the Xbox One and PS4 first debuted here in the U.S. In that time, they’ve both earned their keep as the bearer of current-generation game consoles. Microsoft realized some months after release that it needed a $400, price-competitive version with the PS4 that lacked the Kinect camera, and has since remedied what was once a bit of a lopsided, apples-and-oranges comparison. Since then, both the Xbox One and PS4 have sold pretty well, with the edge on Sony’s side — although January’s $50 price cut for the Kinect-less Xbox…

Best Xbox One console Bundle deals
[October 23, 2024 – 12:26 am]
Best Xbox One console Bundle deals

Microsoft s Xbox One is one of the most popular consoles currently on the market, so here s a roundup of the best deals available. eBay Xbox One fans looking for an attractive Xbox Live membership offer can find one on eBay. At the time of writing, an Xbox Live 12-month Gold Membership for the Xbox One or Xbox 360 is available for just $35.99. Newegg A neat bundle is now available on Newegg, offering the Microsoft Xbox One Halo: The Master Chief Collection 1TB Bundle Black + Batman: Arkham Knight + Xbox Live 3-month Gold Card EN/ES US FPP for just $399.99, allowing for neat…

Which console PS4 or Xbox One?
[October 2, 2024 – 11:55 pm]
Which console PS4 or Xbox One?

Next-gen is now this-gen, and the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are armed for a true head-to-head battle. Next-gen is now this-gen. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 arrived around a year ago and have had that time to both deal with various launch problems and build up their game libraries. If you want to get a new video game system, these two are the frontrunners of the current generation, with several years of games ahead of them and loads of new hardware and features. We put the Xbox One and PS4 against each other in a variety of categories to determine which system comes out on…

Xbox One console review
[September 2, 2024 – 11:18 pm]
Xbox One console review

We take a look at the Xbox One a year on Talk about a turnaround: last year the Xbox One was widely portrayed as the loser of the latest console war. Seemingly designed more around Microsoft’s strategic objectives than, say, building the best machine for playing games, it was underpowered, overpriced and saddled with an expensive peripheral – Kinect 2.0 – that nobody seemed to want. For all its advanced features and functions, most reviewers agreed that it wasn’t as strong a package as Sony’s PS4. Judging by the sales – with roughly 14 million PS4s sold to the Xbox One’s 10…

Xbox One Halo console
[August 23, 2024 – 11:13 pm]
Xbox One Halo console

For a lot of people, a new Halo game means it s time to finally buy a new Xbox. And when it comes to Halo 5: Guardians , good things come to those who wait. At Gamescom 2015, Microsoft announced a new, limited edition Halo-themed Xbox One, that comes bundled with the game and a hefty 1TB of storage. The new Xbox will feature metallic blue detailing on both the console and controller, and will be available for $499. You can also buy a Master Chief-themed controller separately for $69.99. Ever better: the console launches on October 20th, a week ahead of Halo 5 , so you ll have…

Xbox One Console, New
[July 4, 2024 – 10:21 pm]
Xbox One Console, New

October is just a few days away, and you know what that means: the three-month-long holiday season is about to start. For gamers, that typically means one thing in particular: triple-A releases once a week for the entire season. For publishers, however, it means something else entirely. When it comes to selling consoles, the holiday season is unlike any other time of year. Back in 2014, Microsoft s holiday season single-handedly took the Xbox One from a distant second to a serious contender against Sony s PlayStation 4. Since then, things have only gotten better for Xbox One…

Used PS4 console
[March 24, 2024 – 04:06 pm]
Used PS4 console

I’ve never been a big fan of buying used games hardware. With used games you can see the state of the disc before you purchase, but with hardware, you can’t see inside and therefore are taking a bigger risk, especially if there’s a hard drive inside. GameStop has decided to sweeten the deal when it comes to purchasing a used PS4, though. As well as advertising these systems as being “Premium Refurbished, ” GameStop has decided to upgrade them with a 2TB hard drive. Until recently you could only purchase a new PS4 with a 500GB drive, then the 1TB version was announced. If you…