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Google is helping Macs move into big businesses. Again.
This week, Google announced that it would open source a software tool it built to automate the use of Apple’s FileVault encryption software inside the company. The tool works with FileVault 2, which made its debut with Apple’s Mac OS X “Lion, ” and it’s called — of all things — Cauliflower Vest.
“While the new FileVault 2 offering is very well suited to consumers, some enterprises may require additional features that are not provided out of the box, ” reads a blog post from the company.
With the tool, Google says, a company’s IT admins can forcibly enable FileVault 2 encryption on user machines, automatically escrow encryption recovery keys to a secure server running on Google’s App Engine cloud service, and securely access recovery keys so that volumes may be unlocked or reverted.
The product was developed for use inside of Google. “We are releasing this source code today as part of our commitment to share Google’s unique IT approach with the world, ” read the blog post.
Officially, Mac OS X and the software that ships with it, including FileVault, are meant for consumers. But Macs — like iPhones and iPads — are working their way into businesses as well. Terry Cosgrove, an analyst with research outfit Gartner, estimates that Macs now account for almost 10 percent of the computers used by American businesses.
Google is a prime example of a business that has warmly embraced the Mac. Last year, Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that only 20 percent of the company was still using Microsoft Windows — though he added that he couldn’t be sure of the exact figure. In 2010, four months after Google said that Chinese hackers had pilfered unspecified intellectual property from the company’s systems, rumors indicated that the company was phasing out Windows due to security concerns.
No doubt, some of the other 80 percent are running Linux, but clearly, Macs are mainstay at the company. A year ago, Google open sourced Simian, a tool that deploys software changes and security patches to Macs across the network.
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