Articles in Video Editing Software

VideoSpin is a free video editing application for Windows XP and Windows Vista that includes basic editing tools. Focus FS-100 direct capture device is now available in a 160GB version. Pinnacle Systems Pinnacle VideoSpin is a free video editing application for Windows XP and Windows Vista that includes basic editing tools and also offers an easy way to upload completed videos to the Internet. An advanced codec pack that includes MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 codecs is available for $15. Suggested Retail Price: free Focus Enhancements Focus FS-100 direct capture device is now available…

This short guide provides the basic information new users need to save time when first learning to use the Firewall Builder application. The complete Firewall Builder Users Guide can be found here. Key Concepts Objects. Firewall Builder is based on the concept of objects. Users create objects like IP networks and IP addresses to represent items that will be used in firewall rules. Libraries. Objects are stored in libraries. By default Firewall Builder comes with two object libraries. The library called User is used to store objects that the user creates

Visual BCD Editor is a free program for Vista and newer versions of the Windows operating system that is enabling you to edit the boot menu of the system. The program displays a visual representation of the BcdStore containing the operating system s boot configuration data. It displays the structure in a tree-like view on the left sidebar, and the selected item in detail on the right pane. Here you for instance see all boot loaders currently available with their specific data types allowing you to analyze, verify and edit all boot related parameters

Sometimes dual-booting a system is a handy way to test new software, a new operating system, or an application that needs to be run in a specific version of Windows. Other reasons to dual-boot might include replication of a client environment. Windows handles dual-booting by using boot.ini to display a menu of bootable choices or partitions found on the current system. In Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the bootloader was moved from boot.ini to a utility called BCDEdit. Recently, I decided I could make better use of some disk space that I had set aside to create…

The following video tutorials are a must-watch for Premiere Pro video editors. To help you get the most out of Premiere Pro, we’ve rounded up a list of 15 essential Premiere Pro video tutorials for video editors (and aspiring editors!) From the basics of importing and capturing footage, to more advanced features like multi-cam editing and warp stabilizer, these Premiere Pro tutorials run the gamut of a post-production workflow. If you can think of any essential tutorials that should have made the list please share in the comments below! 1